Smooth Sailing at the Rocky Mountain RepRap Festival
Apr 20-21,2024(Colorado,USA)
With SMRRF in December and RMRRF in April, there was only roughly 4 months between the two shows. Would BIGTREETECH have anything new to show at RMRRF given all the reveals that took place at SMRRF? Boy did we! The industry is moving fast and BIGTREETECH knows that we need to move just as fast, if not faster, in order to keep 'scratching the itch' for our fellow DIY enthusiasts. Read on to find out more about our RMRRF reveals and overall experience.

After a harrowing experience getting our booth goods to the event (we learnt about hotshot drivers in the USA and our lives will never be the same, in a good way) we managed to get set up and ready in time. After the Friday night setup, we were extremely honoured to be able to enjoy an evening with the Voron team and other fellow makers. It was a fantastic pre-kick off to the event that left us in awe of the smarts that we have in the community after just a few conversations.

Despite the team waking up to some sniffles on Saturday morning, we tapped into some caffeinated beverages and excitedly got to the event. At 10:00am, BIGTREETECH was the first sponsor to present a talk from the maker stage. We were privileged to deliver an engaging presentation in which we explained the history of DIY in the world of 3D printing, as well as how BIGTREETECH has contributed to this journey and how we plan to be involved in the future developments of DIY. A sincere thanks to those who attended. We hope the talk was informative and we look forward to many more in the future.

As promised and highly anticipated, we released 6 amazing new products:

Now, getting down to the "nitty-gritty" stuff – our team joined a range of technical seminars and interactive networking sessions, collaborating with industry experts and attendees to discuss technical issues and industry trends. We also enjoyed sharing in an interchange of insights and providing valuable learning and networking opportunities. We particularly appreciate sessions such as these that drive us to innovate and improve ourselves, keeping up with the times and bringing more exciting products and services to the 3D printing community.

A definite highlight of the event was our "Ultimate Bambu Upgrade Giveaway". The crowd really went wild for this one, with enthusiastic participation from hundreds of attendees. In addition to our ultimate giveaway, we were pleased to hold a random lucky draw at our booth, in which participants could win surprise discount coupons and cool T-shirts. Our booth was constantly buzzing with excitement, and we were overjoyed to see the many happy faces. We were also proud to be able to sponsor the prizes for the RC Dragster event and we would like to extend a big thanks to Scott (Steve if you are very jetlagged) from Edge of 3D for all the effort that he puts into arranging the event.

Overall, the Rocky Mountain RepRap Festival was exactly what we hoped it would be; an opportunity to engage with fellow makers and showcase the new products that we have poured ourselves into. We remain committed to innovation, delivering leading products, and offering professional services. Our aim is to contribute to the growth of DIY 3D printing and enable makers to use 3D printers to create DIY designs. We look forward to working with our fellow makers to help them to bring their creations to life!

Signing off for RMRRF 2024,
For Makers, By Makers!
Where Can I Get More Information?
3D printers are hot selling around the world. Here are the BIQU Support Center, Community, and Download Center, where you can search about 3D printers' news or problems solution. If you have any questions, welcome to submit a request to our official website, we will soon settle your problem.
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Now There are Some General Tips for You!
1) You could ask for some advice from a person whom you know, with a fund of professional 3D printer knowledge.
2) If you want to purchase BIGTREETECH & BIQU products, welcome to view BIQU Store!
3) There are some labs, workshops, and maker spaces, where 3D printers are available for trial.
4) You should choose the fittest 3D printer on your own eventually. Considering your demands, work environments, and finances.
5) Whichever company or products you would like to select, please remember to know their sales service and technology support, and even the quality of the accessories and filaments, for they may be an expensive payment.
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