Announcement on Bambu Lab Security Firmware Update
Panda Series FAQ:
Since the release of Bambu Lab's security firmware update, we’ve been closely monitoring the situation and receiving inquiries about how it affects BIGTREETECH Panda Series products. To address these concerns, we’ve prepared a detailed FAQ to provide users with clear, accurate, and helpful information.
Q1: Does the new Bambu Lab firmware release on the X1 series mean that the Panda Touch will stop working?
A: No, not at all. Consider the following points:
- The X, P and A series are already mature machines with existing firmware that is very feature complete and refined.
- Bambu Lab have committed to allowing users to decide whether or not they will choose to update their firmware. *
- Bambu Lab have committed to allowing users to roll back to earlier firmware if they update by mistake. #
- Currently the Panda Touch offers control functions when the printer is operating in both cloud and LAN mode.
- Even if a user decides that they would like to update to the latest firmware, Bambu Lab have made developer mode available which will still allow the Panda Touch to retain full control of the machine when operating in LAN mode.
Let's distil this into some real world scenarios to aid understanding.
Scenario 1:
John has a Panda Touch which he uses to operate two P series machines, an X series machine and an A series machine. He decides that he is happy to remain on the current firmware on his X series machine since he is not experiencing any problems and is happy with the current feature set.
Impact on Panda Touch functionality:
Scenario 2:
John mistakenly updates his X series machine to a firmware version > and finds that he can only retain full control of the X series machine when it is in LAN developer mode. Since he uses Bambu Handy, he does not want to use developer mode.
Impact on Panda Touch functionality:
The panda touch will no longer be able to control John's X series machine. John can simply roll back to firmware < and continue to enjoy full Panda Touch functionality.
Scenario 3:
John updates his X series machine to a firmware version > and finds that he can only retain full control of the X series machine when it is in LAN developer mode. He prefers using his machines in LAN mode and does not use Bambu Handy.
Impact on Panda Touch functionality:
None. John can retain full functionality with the X series machine operating in LAN Developer mode.
Scenario 4:
John uses his Panda Touch exclusively for print monitoring and does not take advantage of any of the control features like setting filament presets. He updates to firmware >
Impact on Panda Touch functionality:
None from John's perspective. Since he only ever used the Panda Touch to monitor prints he will enjoy the same user experience. We are actively developing a feature that will allow users to users switch between monitoring and control mode easily for each printer programmed into the Panda Touch.
# - Question 10
Q2: Will the Panda Knomi be affected by Bambu’s security firmware update?
A: No! Based on Bambu Lab's latest announcement, only communications which require control of the printer will be affected. Since the Panda Knomi only reads information from the printer there should be no impact to its functionality at all. We will take the time to confirm that this is indeed the case once the firmware is officially released.
Q3: Will other Panda Series products be affected by the update?
A: We’ve carefully evaluated all Panda Series products and confirmed that none, aside from Panda Touch, will be affected by Bambu Lab’s security firmware update.

* Pandas Love Bamboo:
We appreciate your support and understanding. Rest assured, we are committed to providing timely updates and solutions to ensure you enjoy a seamless experience with our products.
Where Can I Get More Information?
3D printers are hot selling around the world. Here are the BIQU Support Center, Community, and Download Center, where you can search about 3D printers' news or problems solution. If you have any questions, welcome to submit a request to our official website, we will soon settle your problem.
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Now There are Some General Tips for You!
1) You could ask for some advice from a person whom you know, with a fund of professional 3D printer knowledge.
2) If you want to purchase BIGTREETECH & BIQU products, welcome to view BIQU Store!
3) There are some labs, workshops, and maker spaces, where 3D printers are available for trial.
4) You should choose the fittest 3D printer on your own eventually. Considering your demands, work environments, and finances.
5) Whichever company or products you would like to select, please remember to know their sales service and technology support, and even the quality of the accessories and filaments, for they may be an expensive payment.
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